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Jam Session + Monthly Orientation
Every month JazzVoice + the Vocal Jazz Summit sponsor the Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam online. Casual, fun, and lively - jam sessions are a great place to try out what you’ve been working on!
Jams are held the first Sunday from 6:00pm - 8:30pm ET and are led by vocalist Jocelyn Medina. Each jam kicks off with a featured artist and then moves into an open session where members can sing for each other, collaborate, and have a ball. You can view the jam on Facebook or Youtube! If you'd like to participate, sign up below to get the zoom link.
Before the Jam, at 5pm ET, people new to JazzVoice or the Jam can come to the orientation, learn more about what we offer, what to expect and how to get involved. Plus meet other new friendly faces!
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Recent Jam Session Videos
Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam
Jam Session Archive
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Leonard Patton Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam, July 7, 20204
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Bogna Kicińska Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam, June 23, 2024
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Cindy Scott Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam, June 16, 2024
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